Friday, October 22, 2010

Hong Kong

July 31, 2010:  2 flights, 5 movies, about 9 meals, and 13 hours and 40 minutes later, we finally arrived in Hong Kong.  I'd been to HK 3 years earlier during a long weekend away from work in Japan, so I'd already outlined an exciting (I felt) agenda of stops for our one night stay.

What was NOT part of the plan was my luggage not arriving!  Sure, Goran and Sharie's German-engineered Rimova space-age suitcases, tantalizingly ripe for the stealing, were practically the first off the carousel!  MY crappy fabric throw-away was taking a vacation somewhere else!

Emotionally in sync, Goran and Sharie became borderline hostile.  This was their first sign that the vacation was doomed to disaster.   But I remained calm and confident that the luggage agent understood the description of my suitcase (though he didn't say anything other than, 'Okay, okay!' and nodded a lot, smiling too big), and we headed to the hotel to take a quick shower and nap.  

We were too early to check in (strike #2 for my optimistic travel companions), though the staff allowed us to use the gym showers.  Sharie offered me a pair of her bloomers and a thin black t-shirt that I wouldn't be able to fill with my man boobs on my most bloated day.  I opted instead for Goran's slightly constricting Euro t-shirt, undies and socks.  From there we headed out to explore and kill some time until we could officially check into our room.  

Hong Kong, crazy busy!

We spent an exhausting day exploring Kowloon, enjoying the waterfront and getting a kick out of the ever-present Engrish signage.  

The beautiful lights of Hong Kong Harbor

Signs for all occasions at the Night Market


  1. Let's hug it out, bitch! Ah, wonderful Engrish! I'm glad you're finally doing a blog, GymmyHarris, and I look forward to the (literary) journey.

  2. No Fart In Car

    Now I haz big reason to go to Hongs Kongs. Must haz dat sign.
